
Google Shopping ROCKS

Alright, maybe I'm the only person that didn't realize this existed, but just in case I'm not I must discuss :)

So we all know that Google is the bomb and that they will eventually take over the universe, but did you know about their Shopping search engine?  Yeah, yeah, I know, it's one of the links at the top of the page when you go to the Google home page, but I never noticed it.  Today while my I was searching for shampoo and conditioner online, my lovely husband told me about Google Shopping.  It is awesome - it lists the product you're searching for, a description, it's rating and the site where you can buy it with the price.  The products can be sorted by relevance, price or rating.  It was crazy helpful!!  Check out my search for my husband's coveted Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Special Shampoo:

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