
Goodbye to Country Home

The most recent Country Home magazine was just delivered with some sad news - they are closing their doors and will no longer publish the Meredith magazine.  I'm so sad - I love Country Home!!  They always have such fun and inventive design ideas.  Now, I'm going to have to solely rely on Meredith's Better Homes and Gardens, which is fine, but I truly enjoyed receiving both magazines :(  So, here's to you Country Home - you will be missed!!


  1. Domino is done too. This economy is hard on everyone=(

  2. I always loved Country Home too! I am sad it's going away, so is one of my other favorites: Domino. Economy schmonomy! More sad side effects I guess :-(

    I hope your business is doing all right, I LOOOVE your work!!

  3. I know - Domino was great, too :(

    Thanks for the love, Kirsten!!!
