
Introducing New Designing Woman Personalities

I am oh-so-happy to announce that two new authors will be contributing posts on Designing Woman - my husband, Ilario, will be taking on a few posts here and there concerning technology and my sister, Jami Lee, will be posting on a regular basis about her journey through "engagement-hood"!

Ilario is always an immense help to have around when technology issues or questions arise at baci so we'll be putting his expertise to work to explain the different technology options baci has to offer and maybe we'll even convince him to test something out every so often. If you have any baci-specific technology questions, feel free to contact him: ilario {at} bacidesigner {dot} com.

As you know, Jami got engaged a few weeks ago, so I asked her if she'd like to start blogging as a voice of the bride-to-be and she quickly said yes. . . she's getting good at that - lol! I have always dreamed of having my sister work with me and blogging for Designing Woman is the perfect first step! You've seen her mentioned here, over and over again, whether it be about something I'm designing for her or gorgeous photographs she's taken. Now you can hear directly from her about the trials and tribulations (and the super fun stuff, too) she's experiencing as an engaged woman. If you have any bride-to-be specific questions, feel free to contact her: jami {at} bacidesigner {dot} com.

I am thrilled to welcome both Ilario and Jami to Designing Woman and I can't wait to hear what they have to say!

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