
{DIY} Dying Lace for my Wedding

Have you ever tried dying lace before?

This was my first time trying, as well as my mother's (even though my mom totally did most of the work, ha). But it was hard!! Everyone that she had talked to said dying lace to a dark purple color was more difficult than any other color because after every wash, it lightens back up and rarely stayed dark. Well, that was exactly what it did every time. Mom thought she had the perfect color, and BAM, it changed as soon as you pulled it out of the dryer.

Mom was pulling up the lace from the dye, so I could see what it looked like.

Mom worked hard on the lace!!

This was out outcome. It was very pretty, but not exactly what we were going for :( So now mom and I are looking at purchasing some eggplant lace to use at the reception.

Feel free to make me feel better and share your stories about things that didn't exactly go the way you planned :) ha

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