
Products We Love | Ilario

Products I Love

Here are a few products I could not live without!
#1 My Smartphone
I know my HTC EVO 4G is a little dated now, but I absolutely need to have my phone with me at all times. It is a connection to my family, friends and, yes, even work. I know many people dislike the fact that they are available 24/7, but I embrace it. I attempt to respond to many of the calls, texts, emails I receive and reply to outside of "normal" business hours as possible and my phone saves me the time of walking into the office, "waking" the computer, and checking my email. If the email does not need responded to immediately, I just mark as "unread" and continue with my day :) Additionally, I pair my cell phone with many of the programs below, which continue to make it a more powerful tool.

#2 Google Apps
I use Google for everything! My personal, professional, and student life are all more organized because of Google and it's suite of apps. The ability to upload any document, picture, or other file and have it easily and instantly shared with anyone is a life-saver! You can even edit documents simultaneously with another individual for true collaboration whether you are sitting in the same room with the person or are miles away! Calendar is my #1 app. If it's not in my calendar, it didn't happen :)

#3 Dropbox
Here's one I definitely could not live without. Dropbox is a program that allows you to synchronize folders and files across multiple computers. There is also a web version for times when you are on a public computer and you can access any of your files from your smartphone or tablet. Dropbox gives you 2GB of free space and anything that you place in the Dropbox folder is automatically synchronized to the cloud. I use this for all of my work files so I can prepare lessons at home and they are automatically downloaded to my computer at work when I log in. You can even make files or folders public and/or share folders with another Dropbox user (be sure you trust this individual because anything they put in the folder is automatically downloaded to your computer). One other issue, is that if someone else deletes a file it is removed from your computer, however, Dropbox keeps track of all events to your folder and you may restore lost files or versions!

#4 Evernote / Diigo
These are two separate apps have similar uses. a) Evernote allows me to create, organize and share "notebooks" that are filled with documents, pictures, web-clippings, voice recordings, etc. I can easily make a new notebook, add materials, and share (or not share) that notebook with someone who can view or edit, if I give them that privilege. I've gone to a workshop with a co-worker and shared a notebook with them before it started. We split up and went to different sessions, though we placed all our notes in the same notebook, so at the end of the workshop we each had information from all of the sessions. b) Diigo on the other hand is more of a bookmarking site. It does allow for text, voice, picture, and bookmark notes, though the interface is different. I use Diigo for many of the same instances as I use Evernote, however, though there is a sharing feature, I use it more for quick notes to myself rather than a notebook of information.

#5 Endomondo
Honestly, I do not work out as much as I could and probably should, but when I do go for a run, bike ride, or play a sport, I use Endomondo. For sporting events, it is easy to log on to the website and input the sport and time spent. If you have a heart rate monitor, you can input that information and Endomondo will calculate the number of calories burned. Where Endomondo shines, however, is for sports that require movement across distances, such as running, biking, kayaking, etc. The program uses the GPS capability of the phone to track distance, altitude, and time which it will then upload to the site and overlay on a Google Map! There is also a social feature that allows you to see what your friends have been doing during their workout sessions and set up challenges with them if you'd like. Additionally, there are also public events which you can search for on the website. Finally, another cool feature is the coach and inspiration feature. As you are running, biking, kayaking, etc, there is a virtual coach that will chime in during your workout (if you want) and give you updated information on lap times or amount of workout left if you set a goal. The inspiration feature allows your friends to write messages to you that will be played through your headphones as you are working out! All this and you can still listen to your music!

Above is just a small list of products that I truly feel can be, and are, utilized on a daily basis (ok, maybe not Endomondo - but you get the picture) and I could not function without. I hope you have found a few new items that will help you get organized or fit and maybe even a new found respect for that smartphone in your purse or pocket.

Questions, comments, suggestions? Feel free to contact me: ilario {at} bacidesigner {dot} com or comment on this post.

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