
Our Home, Sneak Peek - Day Three

There was a battle today. The final score was:

Guest Bedroom Furniture - 1
The Cursaros - 0

It was sad (and seriously annoying), but the furniture has a lot of intricacies so it isn't easy to paint at all. So we're postponing a little bit which means no sneak peek into our guest bedroom. However, I will bless you with the ridiculous before and after of our master bedroom. I say ridiculous because it was AWFUL before and it became immensely better just with a paint of coat and all of the furniture/bedding we had in our last house. Once again, it isn't finished because we'd like to get a new king-sized bed with matching dressers, etc., but it works for now. Enjoy!

Oh, yes our bedroom was a lovely shade of Pepto-Bismol pink before we had it painted. Luckily it was done before we moved in and we never had to sleep in the great pink abyss.
Immediately better with a coat of paint, freshly done trim and two-inch blinds (I will never purchase the yicky skinny ones again!!). The gorgeous Pottery Barn (are you starting to see a trend here??) Morgan Duvet and Shams were a shower gift from Ilario's mom. The brown linen pillows, again from Pottery Barn, were a wedding gift from my Grandma - I have them all over our house in different shades because I love them so much! The bamboo bench and night stands, gifts from my Aunt Carolyn, are from Target (sorry I've had them for awhile and they're no longer available). I SO love our matching lamps because they offer the perfect light to read by at night. They were also incredibly affordable since I bought them at my true love, Garden Ridge.

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