
Wedding Wednesday | My Check List

Back in March I put together a check list of things I had done and still needed to do. I am here to tell you/show you, I have actually accomplished some of them!
(The bold ones are things that still need to be done)

Things that still need to be checked off my list
- Finalize invitations
- Finalize my cake
- Finalize centerpieces
- Find bridesmaid dresses
- Meet with caterer and decide on food
- Take engagement pictures
- Finalize the guest list
- Book honeymoon
- Reserve hotels for out of town guests
- Pick out songs for the reception
- Pick out gifts for the members in my wedding (and others that have been a huge help through the process)
- Pick out programs
- Get my dress altered
- Get our marriage license

Now to give you a little bit of information more than that :)
These past few weeks I have accomplished so much wedding stuff, I am actually proud of myself! But I still have a long way to go... EXAMPLES:

Caterer- -We have met once, but we just discussed what she can do for us and all that good stuff. So I look forward to meeting up with Kim a few more times to discuss all the yummy options of food :)

The Guest List--I don't know if this holds true for anyone else, but I feel like this is NEVER accomplished because you always think of that one more person, or your parents do (sorry mom and dad, ha)!

Hotels---Easy one to check off our list, we just have to do it, but we haven't for some reason.

Reception Songs-- Eric and I did actually start on this the other day, but if anyone has any good opinions let me know!

Gifts--This is half bolded because it's half way done. We haven't actually gotten the gifts, but we know what were getting them.

Programs---That will probably be something my sister and I will discuss here shortly.

My Dress-- I will be calling them in the next week to make my appointment (no worries, the lady told me to wait).

Marriage License--I think you do this like 2-3 months ahead of time, don't you :)

So now that you know where I stand with my wedding plans, anybody have any advice to give me:)

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