
Our Home, Re-invasion | Day Five - baci's Studio

The day you've all been waiting for (I might be exaggerating just a bit here, lol!) is finally here - the unveiling of baci's studio!!  It isn't 100% finished, but really what room ever really is :o)  Let's get right into the kaleidoscope of colors (with a focus on olive, red and dark purple) with the pair of slipcovered Pier One chairs I have in the room - they are not only cute, but comfortable, too!  One thing I'd love to buy is a small red table for in between the chairs to put bridal magazines on.

Normally, my desk is full of things and I found that when I needed to pack up boxes to ship out to clients I didn't have the space so I bought this high-top desk with drawers to hold all of my packaging supplies and it's ended up serving a dual purpose as the intern desk, too!

The two frames on the desk will eventually be hung, but I'm waiting to finish one more before doing so.  The one on the left is a framed love note written on a calendar from July 1975 - we found it inside one of the pockets doors when we moved in.  It's so sweet that we choose to frame it - Ilario sometimes says to me, "Thanks, Carla, for being my wife," because that's what it says :o)  He's just so funny, isn't he?  Lol!  We turned the frame on the right into a bulletin board for all the sweet notes and announcements I receive from clients - it's a great boost of confidence on those "why do I do this again?" days.

I bought the vintage looking card catalog organizer at Hobby Lobby and I not only use it for organization on a regular basis, but I've used it to display paper beauties at shows, too!  The chair is from our kitchen table and I've been on the lookout to replace it with a cute stool. . . if you find one, let me know :o)

My gorgeous Olive Manna (LOVE that shop!) baskets hold more packaging supplies. . .

. . . and this Hobby Lobby basket with a lid hides extra reams of basic printer paper.

Also from Hobby Lobby (I may have a slight addiction), this metal bin holds things on it's way to the shredding station. . .

. . . and this little beauty from the Target gardening department holds everything that can be recycled (which is a lot considering paper is our business).

When you enter into the office from the living room, the first thing you see is this amazing vintage poster for a local charity softball game that we purchased at a Wine & Wishes Benefit a few years back - we framed it and I fell even more in love :o)

I found the perfect red chair at EuroLife Furniture in Columbus - it adds just the right pop of color!  I keep Carl handy at all times, right at my feet :o)

Continuing with my other addiction:  Ikea - we bought several bookcases that can be converted into corner units and/or cabinets.  They have truly been amazing - I'm able to display all sorts of prettiness like past invitation suites and hide away all the things that aren't so attractive like files and office supplies.  Oh, and yes, I organize my books by color - I have a problem, people!!

A close-up of a shelf's goodness - one of our favorite engagement photos taken in downtown Charlotte by the lovely Brandy J Photography, the stationery suite from our recent 1970's Style Chevron Shoot, a vintage clock from Hobby Lobby and my favorite - a painting of Morris by my friend Alaina.

Another vintage typewriter, this time a find by my grandma (it made an appearance at the J Style Bridal Event) and two more of my favorite invitation suites - one from Abby and Bri's Birthday, as well as the invite from the Bright Star Shoot with Arielle Doneson Photography (being published in a VERY big blog soon - squuuueallllll!!).

A few cute mirrors I picked up at Hobby Lobby - originally intended for the living room and we ended up loving them in here instead :o)

Another bookshelf/cabinet - this one displays pretty boxes (can you believe I found these at WalMart?) full of extra envelopes, assembly pieces, shirley | edith cards and craft supplies.  It's also home to a few Abby Rose Gift Sets, sample paper books and some mementos from Katie and Kevin's wedding last July.

Last, but not least - organization heaven - two Ikea ALEX Drawer Units side-by-side with Martha Stewart Adhesive Bookplates to dress them up a bit.  These babies are full of so much paper that it would make normal people cry!  Topped with a handy dandy scanner so I can send clients sketches, my See Jane Work business card organizer (being a stationery designer, I just can't throw them away!), Target folders and holders, as well as my heavy duty paper cutter - I love these drawers :o)

Sadly, it's come to an end - hopefully we'll have the basement up and running by the end of the summer so I can show you all the magical things we've done down there (a girl can dream, right?)!

Any questions about where I got anything or input on how I should have done something?  I'd love to hear it - we love comments and emails (info@bacidesigner.com)!!  Thanks for joining us on our Home Re-invasion Tour :o)

1 comment:

  1. Hobby Lobby here...thanks for all of your support :-)
