
Amanda + Ilario | Photo Shoot by Arielle Doneson Photography {Wooster, Ohio}

I adore Arielle, plain and simple.  She is not only drop-dead gorgeous, incredibly talented and hands-down the kindest, most real person I have ever met - I feel so blessed to call her my friend.  So when the lovely lady asked if Ilario and I would be models so she could test out her new film camera, I was thrilled!!  It couldn't have come at a better time because I was actually planning on the two of us doing a little photo shoot in honor of our upcoming five-year anniversary (can you believe it?!?!).

These are just a few of our favorites - how on earth she made us look so damn good, I'll never know. . . God bless that woman!

1 comment:

  1. I've seen these before but looking at them made me tear up. I am so happy for the two of you. No, I can't believe you're almost at the 5 yr. mark!!
