If you are anything like me, your answer is YES!!! I'm super excited to watch college, pro, and high school (yes, high school, it's my brother's senior year) football!!!!
I found this cute snack on Kitchen Fun with My 3 Sons!
Football Snack
provolone cheese
1 apple
Twizzler strings
strawberry cream cheese
1) Cut two pieces of bread into football shapes.
2) Cut the turkey and cheese to fit and put on the inside.
3) Cut the stripes and laces out of the cheese scraps and add on top of the football.
4) Tilt the apple just a bit and cut off a small piece from the bottom so the apple will stay on the plate. Cut out part of the apple to resemble a helmet. Take a toothpick and poke 3 holes down each side of the cut out part of the apple.
5) Pull off a few Twizzler strips and pinch off 3 pieces to go across that helmet. Pinch off 2 smaller pieces to go down the front of face mask. Poke the longer pieces into the holes...they will pop right in. You can "glue" the shorter pieces on with strawberry cream cheese.
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